
Use These 2 Natural Solutions for a Healthy Gut

Wyoming Cowboy Cookies, homemade bread, Blueberry muffins…

For 12 years we have been eating gluten free at our house. It made no sense really, since gluten had been in our diet before.

My middle daughter was having tummy pain and other digestive problems when she was about 10 years old. After much evaluation and many visits to the allergy doctor, we narrowed it down to wheat and dairy. Life changed dramatically the day we figured things out and we eliminated those things from our diet.

Half of the family still ate wheat and the other half was gluten free with one being dairy free too.

The cooking and baking challenges were never ending. We couldn’t eat out or participate in extra activities unless we brought out own food. Kinda took the fun out of life. We had to plan food for every activity and vacation. BUT…we managed to find and create new recipes that were just as tasty. You can find some of those HERE.

As we continued on this gluten free journey, my daughters all of a sudden had sensitivities to other foods as well. Soy, apples, sesame and the list goes on. But we rise to the challenges in our lives and overcome as much as we can.

Even with eliminating the foods that were causing problems. My daughters still had gut issues, blood sugar issues, seasonal allergies, and more. It became a daily puzzle to figure out how to live with or overcome the physical health problems that kept arising.

A few months ago, a friend of mine introduced me to the idea of milling my own flour. She shared the Bread Beckers podcast with me and gave me a loaf of bread to try.

I was a bit skeptical to start with. Wheat usually gives me a headache and causes digestive issues. But I am always looking for ways to improve our health and wellbeing. I tried the bread. It was wonderful to eat a yummy piece of homemade bread again. I found that I did not have a headache and my tummy was not upset.

Next, after much encouragement, my gluten and dairy free daughter tried the bread. For her, eating wheat causes severe digestive issues and pain. With bread made from freshly milled flour, she did not have the pain or the digestive issues. And she has been able to use real butter on her bread!

FOOD FREEDOM at its best!

Why can we eat bread and baked goods made from freshly milled flour and not the baked goods found in the store?

Sue Becker explains it best in her podcast the Bread Beckers, The Staff of Life Episode. But essentially it has to do with how our flour is processed and losing the nutrients and part of the wheat berry in the processing.

When we don’t utilize all of the grain, like God intended, we will encounter difficulties with our health and digestive system.

2 Natural Solutions for a Health Gut

Many health issues originate in the gut. I have spent years trying to help my children and myself keep our guts healthy, by eating right and using quality probiotics and digestive enzymes. While it has helped tremendously, adding in freshly milled flour has been the missing piece to the puzzle. It has also relieved a huge burden that I didn’t realize I was carrying. We now have the freedom to bake and eat many of the recipes that we previously enjoyed.

We now have a Nurtimill Classic Grain Mill sitting on the kitchen counter, wheat berries in the pantry, and the Essential Home-Ground Flour book by Sue Becker. Each day our health improves as our bodies are getting the nutrients they need. Nutrients that can only come from eating grains the way God intended.

I highly recommend listening to Sue Becker on the Bread Beckers podcast for more information on milling your own flour.

Do you need a plan to support a healthy gut? 

Start with freshly milled bread and doTERRA supplements.

Here is what I do:

Freshly milled flour for everything that I would typically use store bought flour for


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